Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Moringa full of Vitamins
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The "Moringa" tree is grown mainly in semi-arid, tropical, and subtropical areas, corresponding in the United States to USDA hardiness zones 9 and 10. While it grows best in dry sandy soil, it tolerates poor soil, including coastal areas. It is a fast-growing, drought-resistant tree that is native to the southern foothills of the Himalayas in northwestern India. Reports that it grows wild in the Middle East or Africa are completely unsubstantiated.[citation needed] Today it is widely cultivated in Africa, Central and South America, Sri Lanka, India, Mexico,Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. It is considered one of the world’s most useful trees, as almost every part of the Moringa tree can be used for food or has some other beneficial property. In the tropics, it is used as forage for livestock, and in many countries, Moringa micronutrient liquid, a natural anthelmintic (kills parasites) and adjuvant (to aid or enhance another drug) is used as a metabolic conditioner to aid against endemic diseases in developing countries.
A traditional food plant in Africa, this little-known vegetable has potential to improve nutrition, boost food security, foster rural development, and support sustainable landcare.[2]
Monday, March 28, 2011
Tuko or Gecko the endangered species
The Tokay Gecko is the second largest Gecko species, attaining lengths of about 30–40 cm (11–15 inches) for males, and 20–30 cm (7–11 inches) for females, with weights of 150–300g (5–10 oz). They are distinctive in appearance, with a bluish or grayish body, sporting spots ranging from light yellow to bright red. The male is more brightly colored than the female. They have large eyes with a vertical slit pupil. Eyes are brown to greenish brown and can be orange or yellow.
Males are very territorial, and will attack other male Tokays as well as other Gecko species, as well as anything else in their territory. They are solitary and only meet during the mating season. Females lay clutches of one or two hard shelled eggs which are guarded until they hatch. Tokay Geckos feed on insects and small vertebrates.
The typical lifespan is 7–10 years, however in captivity some Tokays have been known to live over 18 years.
People in the Philippines hunted Tuko or Gecko "Scientific name" because they have heard information that this lizard has highest exchange rate in money. People made Tuko(Gecko) as their source of income for their families. Now I am afraid that this specie will rapidly diminish, sooner or later we cannot see them again. People in different nations, I am knocking everyone's hearts Please... Let us save the life of Tuko(Gecko). We must act now before everything is too late....
Rheumatism or Rheumatic Joint Pain
Herbal Medications:
1. Kilaw pultice
Chop or crush a rhizome and mix with oil.
Apply on the joint as poultice over night.
2. Mangga bark hot compress
Boil a piece of chopped bark.
use the decoction hot compress.
3. Malabulak leaves and young stalks compress
Chopped leaves and young stalks and put it in a cloth bag.
Add 1/2 teaspoon salt.
Warm the bag and apply as compress.
4. Lumbang Bato leaves compress
Heat the leaves.
Apply on the joints directly while still hot for 15 minutes 2 times a day.
5. Herba Buena leaves
Boil 4 tablespoons of dried leaves in 2 cups of water for 15 minutes.
Dosage: Adults: 1/2 glass, every 4 hours.
Herbal Medications:
1. Makabuhay vine tub bath
Chop a meter long vine and boil in one gallon water for 15 minutes.
Add enough water to fill up one plastic pail big enough to completely soak a child, if the whole body is infected.
For adults use the decoction for hot compress on the affected parts only.
2. Kalatsutsi leaves
Boil 1 cup chopped fresh leaves and a small branch in 1/2 cup coconut oil for 5 minutes.
Let it cool and keep in bottle for future use.
Apply on the infected body parts liberally after taking a bath.
3. Mangga gum resin or sap
Mix well the gum resin or sap take fro mthe mango trunk or bark with oil.
4. Kakawate leaves
Extract juice fro mthe leaves
Apply on the affected parts after taking a bath, and at bedtime.
Pimples and Acne
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Pimples |
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Acne (vulgaris) |
Herbal Medications:
1. Ripe papaya with kalamansi juice
Mix three tablet spoons of mashed ripe papaya with one tablespoon kalamansi juice
Apply mixture on the face every after washing. Leave it on for 30 minutes,
then wash face with warm water.
You may leave it on the face overnight if you can tolerate it.
2. Sabila leaves
Get one leaf and peel the outer covering.
Rub the juice on the face every after washing. Leave it on for 30 minutes.
You may leave it on the face overnight if you can tolerate it.
3. Romero leaves
Crush 5 leaves and extract the juice.
Apply juice on face after washing it with warm water.
Lear it on overnight.
Sun Burn and Prickly Heat
Herbal Medications:
1. Alusiman leaves
Extract juice from the leaves.
Apply on the prickly heat after the starch bath.
2. Bayabas leaves
If there is infection, boil cup of chopped leaves in one gallon of water. Add 2 gallons of cold water.
HerBal Remedies
Abscesses and Boils
Alugbati leaves poultice crush 2 leaves
Sabila leaves - wash leaves with soap and water. Pound the leaves and extract juice. Apply on the burn area after soaking in warm salt solution once a day.
Malunggay leaves - eat one cup cooked leaves with meals.
Kilaw leaves - pound the rhizomes. Rub or massage the juice on the scalp and hair. Leave it on over night and shampoo the next morning.
Cacao Seeds Poultice - roast 10 seeds and pound. Apply as poultice to affected areas after hot foot bath or hot compress.
Kamias leaves - boils 3 cups of chopped fresh leaves in 2 gallon of water for 10 minutes. Strain. Use this decoction for hot sitz bath.
Kantutay leaves - pound or chop the leaves. Apply directly as poultice on the swolen glands for 30 minutes, 3 times a day.
Kakawate leaves - extract juice from the leaves. Apply on the affected parts after taking a bath, and at bedtime.
Sore throat
Bawang Lozenges - wash one piece and peel. Keep in the mouth for sometime, chewing it slow. swallow juice.
Sunburn and Prickly Heat
Alusiman leaves - extract juice from the leaves. Apply on the prickly heat after the starch bath.
Talumpunay leaves - roll 2 dried leaves. Use as cigarette every 6 hours.
Athete's Foot
Rebanus Tubers - chop tubers and extract juice. Apply juice on the affected parts, 2 times a day.
Kalatsutsi - extract juice from the leaves. Apply directly on the lesions, 3 times a day.
Rheumatism or Rheumatic Joint Pain
Mangga Bark Hot Compress - boil a piece of chopped bark. Use the decoction for hot compress.
Skin Eruptions and Dermatitis
Comfrey leaves - crush leaves and extract the juice. Apply the juice on the affected skin, 3 times a day.
Snake Bites
Kamantigue flowers poultice - crush about 10 flowers. Apply directly on the wound a poultice after it has been bled.
Kataka-taka leaves - crush young katakataka. Apply directly on swollen face.
Underarm Body Odor
Buyo- kalamansi deodorant - extract juice from buyo leaves and mix with kalamansi juice. Apply as deodorant every bath and at bedtime.
Worm Infestation
Niyug-niyogan seeds - eat raw 2 hours after supper. Repeat after one week if need.
Adults: 10 seeds
Children: (4-7 yrs.) 4 seeds
(8-0 yrs.) 6 seeds
(10-12 yrs.) 7 seeds
Calamansi, mango and guava for instance, contain anti-caner vitamins and minerals.
Atis - is also said t ohave minerals that weaken the effects of cancer-including substances.
Eucalyptus - is good for the relief of cough, excessive and tenacious bronchial secretions, in chronic bronchitis, asthma, bronchitis and emphysema.
Alugbati leaves poultice crush 2 leaves
Sabila leaves - wash leaves with soap and water. Pound the leaves and extract juice. Apply on the burn area after soaking in warm salt solution once a day.
Malunggay leaves - eat one cup cooked leaves with meals.
Kilaw leaves - pound the rhizomes. Rub or massage the juice on the scalp and hair. Leave it on over night and shampoo the next morning.
Cacao Seeds Poultice - roast 10 seeds and pound. Apply as poultice to affected areas after hot foot bath or hot compress.
Kamias leaves - boils 3 cups of chopped fresh leaves in 2 gallon of water for 10 minutes. Strain. Use this decoction for hot sitz bath.
Kantutay leaves - pound or chop the leaves. Apply directly as poultice on the swolen glands for 30 minutes, 3 times a day.
Kakawate leaves - extract juice from the leaves. Apply on the affected parts after taking a bath, and at bedtime.
Sore throat
Bawang Lozenges - wash one piece and peel. Keep in the mouth for sometime, chewing it slow. swallow juice.
Sunburn and Prickly Heat
Alusiman leaves - extract juice from the leaves. Apply on the prickly heat after the starch bath.
Talumpunay leaves - roll 2 dried leaves. Use as cigarette every 6 hours.
Athete's Foot
Rebanus Tubers - chop tubers and extract juice. Apply juice on the affected parts, 2 times a day.
Kalatsutsi - extract juice from the leaves. Apply directly on the lesions, 3 times a day.
Rheumatism or Rheumatic Joint Pain
Mangga Bark Hot Compress - boil a piece of chopped bark. Use the decoction for hot compress.
Skin Eruptions and Dermatitis
Comfrey leaves - crush leaves and extract the juice. Apply the juice on the affected skin, 3 times a day.
Snake Bites
Kamantigue flowers poultice - crush about 10 flowers. Apply directly on the wound a poultice after it has been bled.
Kataka-taka leaves - crush young katakataka. Apply directly on swollen face.
Underarm Body Odor
Buyo- kalamansi deodorant - extract juice from buyo leaves and mix with kalamansi juice. Apply as deodorant every bath and at bedtime.
Worm Infestation
Niyug-niyogan seeds - eat raw 2 hours after supper. Repeat after one week if need.
Adults: 10 seeds
Children: (4-7 yrs.) 4 seeds
(8-0 yrs.) 6 seeds
(10-12 yrs.) 7 seeds
Calamansi, mango and guava for instance, contain anti-caner vitamins and minerals.
Atis - is also said t ohave minerals that weaken the effects of cancer-including substances.
Eucalyptus - is good for the relief of cough, excessive and tenacious bronchial secretions, in chronic bronchitis, asthma, bronchitis and emphysema.
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